Data for Guided Pathways Webinar

Data for Guided Pathways webinar – Register here!

The Oregon Student Success Center is hosting a webinar series on Guided Pathways open to all college faculty and staff. The second webinar in this series is Friday, February 26 at noon PT (register here), with Hana Lahr, Senior Research Associate at Community College Research Center (CCRC), Teachers College, Columbia University.

The webinar will have a one-hour general session followed by 30 minutes for office hours with the speaker. For a list of all webinar topics and registration links, please see below. All webinars take place on Fridays from 12p-1:30p PT. Please register for each webinar you plan to attend below:

Friday, February 26: Data for Guided Pathways. Register here.

Friday, March 26: Broad Campus Engagement. Register here.

Friday, April 23: Program Mapping. Register here.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar and adding it to your calendar. Webinars will be recorded and available for those unable to attend.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact OSSC Director Elizabeth Cox Brand,


Feb 26 2021


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