
In January, 2004, due to impending significant restructuring of Oregon Revised Statute, Chapter 279, and the State of Oregon Attorney General’s Model Contracting Rules, a voluntary and collective effort by Oregon community college procurement professionals resulted in the formation of a task force known as the Participating Oregon Community Colleges (POCC). The POCC continues to make a commitment to dedicate resources to the development and ongoing maintenance of the Community College Rules of Procurement. Pursuant to ORS 279A.065, as changes to the Public Contracting Code occur (ORS chapters 279A, 279B, and 279C), the Attorney General’s Model Contracting Rules must be reviewed and subsequently modified, if applicable.

Membership in the POCC is available to all Oregon community colleges. Condition of membership is predicated on a good-faith commitment by participating community colleges to collectively dedicate resources toward the research, preservation, and retention of the CCRP (Sections 100 and 200), as a model document, readily adoptable by Oregon community colleges. POCC members meet as needed, typically 3-4 times a year at various community colleges throughout the state, to discuss the effects of current or pending legislation and its impact on the CCRP. 

All Oregon community colleges are invited to enter into an intergovernmental agreement to demonstrate their commitment to the maintenance of a statewide CCRP document. A copy of the POCC agreement is below.

Modifications to Sections 100 and/or 200 are subject to change only upon consensus of the POCC members. To address the differences in the state’s community college philosophies, cultures, or local contracting review boards, Section 300 of the CCRP is reserved for individual community colleges to take exception to information contained in Sections 100 and/or 200, and/or provide for exemptions or comments not otherwise addressed by the POCC in Sections 100 and/or 200.


Current Public Notices for Bidding Opportunities 

Community College Agreements

Community College Rules of Procurement: Sections 100 & 200

Proposed Changes to Rules of Procurement

Participating Oregon Community College Intergovernmental Agreement

POCC Minutes

POCC List of Cooperatives Used

Cost Analysis and Feasibility Determination Form

  • Cost Analysis and Feasibility Determination Form – Overview: Before conducting a procurement for certain Services exceeding $250,000, the College may be required to complete a written Cost Analysis. (Personal Services, including Architectural, Engineering and Related Services are excluded.) This form helps the College summarize its determinations and evaluation.

Cost Analysis Decision Tree

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