One of OCCA’s primary responsibilities is to support the 17 colleges before policymakers and partners whose actions affect the well-being of community colleges across the state. Much of this work occurs during the state’s Legislative Sessions and interactions with state legislators. OCCA has developed strong relationships with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD), the Governor’s Office, legislators, and their staff in an effort to strengthen the well-being of community colleges.
2024 End of Session Report
(includes implementation recommendations)
Bill Tracker
Policy Priorities & Advocacy Resources
Press Releases
OCCA responds to Governor’s Recommended Budget – 12/2/2024
OCCA sets legislative priorities for 2025 Session to support colleges and students – 12/6/2024
Take Action
Active One-Click Campaign:
Become a Community College Advocate:
You can become a community college advocate and take action on a variety of issues during the legislative session and in the interim.
Contact a Legislator:
You can make a difference in Oregon’s community colleges! Help in making sure legislators know why you support community colleges by contacting them here.
Click below for legislators and their contact information

About Oregon’s Legislature
The Oregon State Legislature convenes annually in February at the State Capitol in Salem, but sessions may not exceed 160 days in odd-numbered years (long session) and 35 days in even-numbered years (short session). In odd-numbered years, the Legislative Assembly convenes on the second Monday in January to swear-in newly elected officials, elect legislative leaders, adopt rules, organize and appoint committees, and begin introducing bills.
If an emergency arises during the interim period when the legislature is not in session, the Governor or a majority of both houses of the legislature may call a special session.
College District Map