Affinity Groups

Business Officers

The Business Officers group is designed for those with institution-level responsibility for financial management and related topics. Typical job titles include Chief Financial Officer, VP of Finance/Administrative Services, and Director of Fiscal/Accounting Services. This group provides professional and business development, leadership, and liaison. The group meets quarterly. Click here for more information about the Business Officers group.

Business Officers Directory

Contact: Jeff Shaffer,

Meeting History

Business Officers Basecamp

HR Managers

The HR Managers Group is designed for those with institution-level responsibility for human resources at each of the colleges.

Contact: Alice Sprague,

HR Managers Basecamp

Council of Instructional Administrators (CIA)

Contact: Jarett Gilbert,

Oregon Council of Student Services Administrators (CSSA)


Chair: Lauren Smith,

Liaison: Alicia Moore,

Oregon Community College Marketing & Public Relations (OCCMPR)

Each of Oregon’s 17 independent community colleges coordinates its own marketing, communications and public relations efforts. However, the collective impact of individual community college public relations activities can be enhanced through collaboration and planning. OCCMPR is an independent network of marketing, communications and public relations professionals at the 17 community colleges in the state. Members of OCCMPR work with the OCCA, the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), the Oregon Presidents Council, the administration of the colleges, and the local governing boards to position community colleges as a vital resource in meeting the education, workforce and training needs of Oregon’s citizens. 


Chair: Brett Rowlett,

Vice Chair: Megan Nugent,

OCCMPR Member Basecamp

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