College Data

Funding for Oregon’s 17 community colleges ​supports the institutions in meeting needs for local, regional, and state-level economic and workforce development.

The primary sources of funding for community colleges are state funding, tuition revenue, and local property tax revenue, with state support currently accounting for a minority of total revenue. 

State Funding

The HECC is responsible for developing a biennial funding recommendation to the Oregon Governor for the state’s public 17 community colleges, including operational support and capital construction financing, and allocating appropriated funds.  

The HECC Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) works closely with campuses and partners in these responsibilities.

Community College Support Fund (CCSF)

CCSF is the primary source of state funding supporting educational and operational expenses at Oregon’s 17 community colleges. The CCSF distribution formula aims for equitable distribution of public resources per student, taking into account both CCSF and local property tax dollars. This fund provides investment in a range of educational activities, including associate degrees, transferable postsecondary undergraduate coursework, career and technical education, pre-college, adult basic education, literacy, and local workforce training.

Capital Construction and Deferred Maintenance

Since 2005, the Oregon Legislature has approved over $221 million in Article XI-G and Lottery bonds to finance community college capital construction and deferred maintenance projects at all 17 community colleges. Article XI-G bonds must be matched dollar for dollar by local revenues. Lottery bonds, however, do not have a local match requirement. Bonds and local matching funds must be dedicated to community college capital construction, renovation and deferred maintenance.

Typical Higher Education Budget Timeline

Budget development: 

From January to August prior to a budget cycle year, the HECC considers analysis and presentations on key budget components and develops a recommended budget, over the course of numerous public meetings. Public comment is welcomed.

Commission approval and submission of Agency Request Budget (ARB):

The Commission generally approves the ARB in August for submission to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) on September 1.

Governor’s Recommended Budget (GRB):​

In December prior to the Legislative Session of a new budget year, the Oregon Governor issues the Governor’s Recommended Budget.

  • The HECC presents with partners on the Governor’s postsecondary education budget request to the Oregon Legislature during the session, generally between February and June.

Legislatively Adopted Budget (LAB):

Ultimately, funding decisions are made by the end of the session, when the Legislature establishes a Legislatively Adopted Budget for the upcoming budget cycle. ​ 

All information on this page is obtained from the Higher Education Coordinating Commission website. 
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