OCCA 2021 Virtual Legislative Summit
“Advocating in a Virtual Landscape”
Join OCCA, community college board members, presidents and college advocates to learn more about becoming your college’s best advocate with legislators while in a virtual platform. Hear from legislators, seasoned college advocates and students on strategies and best practices for meeting with legislators virtually, staying on message and promoting your college. There will also be opportunities for college teams to meet to prepare for your meetings with legislators and gather feedback on your plan. Registration* is FREE!
Please note the afternoon is when colleges are encouraged to meet virtually with their legislators.
Join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 981 2805 0176
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,98128050176# US (San Jose)
*If registering multiple participants at the same time, please make sure to uncheck the box that says “ Fill other attendees information like the first form” at the bottom of the registration form.