
The Oregon Council of Presidents and the Oregon Community College Association released a new report on October 27, 2022, by the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) that highlights the vital role of Oregon’s higher education institutions in energizing the state’s economy and accelerating social mobility. The report emphasizes that significant investments in higher education are needed to increase student access, degree completion, and diversity in Oregon’s workforce.

In Fall 2021, the presidents of the state’s seven public universities and 17 community colleges came together in partnership to commission a report to recommend a course for higher education in Oregon. The comprehensive study offers an opportunity for Oregon’s public post-secondary institutions to understand and center students of today and tomorrow to increase affordability, access, and completion. Focus and investments are necessary to ensure that Oregon can nurture the high-quality workforce necessary for a thriving and diversified economy.

The report centered on three themes in higher education that are crucial for the future of Oregon.


By ensuring access to postsecondary education for students from all backgrounds, Oregon can foster future prosperity and an equitable, attractive state.


Oregon’s higher education institutions need to continue to prioritize equity in education to support students and a diverse future workforce.

Higher Ed: Economic Engine

Importance of a statewide economic development plan, and community colleges and public universities can create the workforce for the jobs of the future and increase the number of workers in the state who have higher-paying jobs.


The community colleges and public universities that commissioned the NCHEMS report collectively agree that key themes identified by the NCHEMS report and highlighted above identify a vital and urgent pathway to advancing Oregon. Building partnerships around these recommendations with business and community leaders, state agencies, and the Legislature will be instrumental in setting a course over the next year and beyond.

The report was commissioned by The Oregon Council of Presidents, representing the state’s seven public university presidents, and the Oregon Community College Association, which represents the state’s 17 community colleges.