Board Policy Service

Board Policy and Procedure Program

In partnership with the Community College League of California (League) and the law firm of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, OCCA provides subscribing Oregon community colleges access to the League’s national board policy and procedure program designed for community colleges.  The program reflects the community college policy-based governance model and templates provide customizable sample language that can be revised to reflect local practices. OCCA’s Board Policy and Procedure Program includes:

Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Procedure (AP) Samples – Over 370 BP and AP samples that are legally required, legally advised, or suggested as good practice for governing boards and community colleges as entities. Topics addressed include Title IX compliance, student discipline, free speech, nondiscrimination, prohibition of harassment, service/assistance animals, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and many other key issues.  As an added value to  Oregon community colleges, OCCA has worked with the League to develop an integrated package of sample policies and procedures that are also customized to reflect Oregon law and Northwest Accrediting Commission (NWCCU) standards. The package of BP and AP samples is provided to subscribing colleges via OCCA’s online, password protected website.

Legal Updates and Resources – Each year, colleges receive legal updates to assist in ensuring BPs and APs remain current consistent with federal and state law. Resources are available to assist with implementation. 

Workshops – OCCA General Counsel, Karen Smith, and the League’s Director of Policy and Procedure Services, Dr. Jane B. Wright, annually conduct workshops on the board policy and procedures templates, core package, possible implementation strategies, and best practices.  

Oregon Policy and Procedure Samples

OCCA provides general policy advice and guidance to all Oregon community college members as part of their current OCCA dues.  OCCA works with college presidents, staff, and board members to analyze and help operationalize recently passed Oregon laws and administrative rules.  

Policy Development Assistance

More in-depth drafting of policies and procedures is available on an hourly fee basis for those colleges that do not subscribe to the OCCA Board Policy and Procedure Program. This service is available to those colleges requesting assistance in drafting policy language that goes beyond the sample policies provided to all colleges in response to changes to Oregon law and administrative rules.

For more information about OCCA’s Board Policy Services, contact Karen Smith at or by phone at 503-399-9912.

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