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Executive Director Search

Press Release: OCCA Board selects Abby Lee as new Executive Director – 5/17/2024


OCCA is looking for its next Executive Director who will lead an organization committed to educational justice, access, and racial equity. OCCA’s new leader will continue the work of advocating, communicating, and collaborating to strengthen our community colleges for the benefit of Oregonians, particularly those historically underserved or systemically marginalized in higher education. We seek a collaborative, visionary and strategic systems thinker who leads strong advocacy efforts, provides excellent organizational, staff and fiscal management. The new Executive Director will both lead and facilitate college leaders to work together to amplify the importance of community colleges at the local and state level.

Salary will be in the 150k-160k range with generous benefits.  The position vacancy closed on April 1, 2024.


December 8, 2023 – OCCA Board approves hiring Human Capital Enterprises as the firm to conduct the search

January 11, 2024 – OCCA Special Board Meeting: Search Process Overview & Appoint Search Committee

January 2024 – Focus Group Meetings

February 2, 2024 – OCCA Board Meeting: Draft Executive Director Criteria Presented; public comment accepted

February 1 – April 1, 2024 – Recruitment Window

April 2024 – Interviews

Late-May 2024 – Selection & Announcement

July 1, 2024 – New Executive Director Begins Position at OCCA


Confidential inquires to Hank Harris or Kathleen Rodden-Nord of Human Capital Enterprises are welcome. 

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