Board Member Resources

OCCA Board Members, as well as board members of individual colleges, have significant responsibilities. OCCA wants to make sure board members are informed and prepared with the training they need to be successful. This page provides resources for board members in one comprehensive space. Don’t see something on here you believe would be helpful to include for others? Please reach out to OCCA Communications Director Casey White-Zollman.

Training & Engagement Opportunities

2024-2025 OCCA Events & Trainings Opportunities

Monthly Lunch & Learn Webinarslearn about important community college topics the fourth Thursday of each month at noon

Annual Board Member Training a training specifically for community college board members!

OCCA Annual Conference

All-Oregon Academic Team Luncheoncelebrate student achievement!

Legislative Summitgreat opportunity to hear from legislators and community college advocates before Community College Lobby Day at the Capitol!

Community Colleges 101 Presentationlearn about the basics of community colleges in Oregon

OCCA 101 Presentation – learn all about OCCA & how we support community colleges

Board Member Handbook Resources

Coming soon!

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